01 || GDPR - Privacy legacy

| GDPR Guide for SMEs

The "GDPR Guide for SMEs" is an essential resource to help small and medium-sized enterprises navigate the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation. This EU regulation, crucial for data security, involves obligations of transparency, individual access rights, and record-keeping. SMEs must understand and implement these regulations to avoid heavy penalties. The guide details the steps for compliance, including risk assessment, staff training, and revision of internal policies. It also addresses the specifics of data collection and processing, managing sensitive data, and necessary security measures. Marketing, influenced by the GDPR, requires explicit consent for communications. Practical case studies illustrate the benefits of the GDPR for SMEs, including in terms of customer trust, market differentiation, and reduced legal risks. This guide emphasizes that GDPR is not just a legal obligation but also a strategic opportunity for SMEs in the digital economy.

| GDPR compliance of your website

This white paper examines in depth the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regarding the compliance of websites. It provides a detailed analysis of the main aspects of compliance, including the collection and processing of personal data, data protection and security, user rights, business responsibilities, as well as best practices and recommendations to promote a culture of privacy.

The GDPR represents a new standard for the protection of personal data, requiring companies to take a proactive and transparent approach to managing the privacy of their users. Compliance with the GDPR is not limited to a simple legal obligation, but also offers competitive advantages by strengthening user trust, improving the company's reputation, and demonstrating a commitment to protecting privacy.

By investing in GDPR compliance and adopting robust data protection practices, companies can not only avoid potential penalties, but also create a safe, transparent, and privacy-respecting online environment for their users. This white paper provides practical advice to help businesses successfully navigate the complex landscape of data protection and ensure ongoing and scalable compliance with the GDPR.