01 || Our Identity

Our Identity

| DATASHIELD Risk Consulting: Cybersecurity Expertise

Founded in 2024 by Hans Mourette, a cybersecurity expert, DATASHIELD Risk Consulting is a Lyon-based IT security company, specialized in protection against cyber threats. We offer our expertise in auditing, support, incident response, and GDPR compliance.

Our mission is to assist businesses in proactively managing digital risks.

Our team, composed of seasoned professionals, uses the most advanced solutions to provide customized and effective responses. We believe in a holistic approach to security, integrating anticipation, identification, protection, detection, and rapid response to cyberattacks.

Our Four Key Pillars

for Comprehensive Support

Forge Trust

Foster Resilience

At DATASHIELD, we build trusting relationships with our clients, committing to strengthen their IT security and promote a culture of resilient cybersecurity. Our goal is to become a trusted partner for all your IT security solutions.

| Customized Security and Client Commitment

At DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, we firmly believe that security should not be a luxury, but accessible to all. With this in mind, we offer customizable cybersecurity solutions, tailored to the specific needs of each business. Our team of experts is committed to providing bespoke protection, meeting the unique challenges of each client. We dedicate ourselves to offering a customer experience based on trust, expertise, and long-term partnership. Our clients trust us for our cyber risk management, appreciating our level of professionalism. Through our expertise gained from various businesses, we share our knowledge to inspire best practices in each sector. Our proven processes optimize resources, reduce risks, and positively contribute to the growth of your business.