01 || General Terms of Use

General Terms of Use

Version of January 1, 2024

Welcome to the DATASHIELD Risk Consulting website, your expert partner in digital risk management and information security. By accessing our site, you enter a world dedicated to protecting your data and securing your online activities. Our services include specialized consultations, tailor-made solutions, and expert advice to ensure your digital security. Please read these Terms of Use carefully, which govern your use of our site and illustrate our commitment to serving you in a transparent and responsible manner. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use our site.

| Collection and Processing of Personal Data

We place great importance on the protection of privacy and personal data of users. We are committed to complying with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and to implementing the necessary measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data collected.

When using the site, certain personal data may be collected, such as your name, email address, phone number, etc. These data are collected in compliance with the current legal provisions and for the purpose of providing the requested services, responding to your inquiries, and informing you about our activities.

For more information on the collection and processing of your personal data, please consult our privacy policy.

| Intellectual Property

The DATASHIELD Risk Consulting website, including its content such as texts, images, videos, logos, etc., is protected by intellectual property laws. This content is the exclusive property of DATASHIELD Risk Consulting or its partners. Any unauthorized reproduction, modification, distribution, or use of this content is strictly prohibited. We encourage you to respect our intellectual property rights, as they are a key element of our identity and reputation…

| Use of the Site

By accessing the DATASHIELD Risk Consulting website, you agree to:

  • Use our site legally, without engaging in illicit or fraudulent activities.
  • Not disrupt the operation of the site or compromise its security.
  • Respect the confidentiality of other users' data and not use it without their consent.
  • Not disseminate inappropriate, defamatory content or content contrary to the laws in force.
  • Not violate our intellectual property rights or those of third parties.

These commitments aim to maintain a safe and respectful environment for all users of our site.

| Links to Third-Party Sites

Our site may contain links to third-party websites. These links are provided for your convenience and do not imply any endorsement or responsibility on our part regarding the content or privacy practices of these external sites. We recommend that you read their terms of use and privacy policies carefully. The use of these third-party sites is at your own risk and under your responsibility. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting cannot be held responsible for interactions or consequences arising from your visit to these third-party sites.

| Limitation of Liability

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting strives to ensure that the site is constantly operational and free of errors. However, we do not guarantee that the site will always be available or that the content will always be accurate. Use of the site is at your own risk. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting will not be responsible for any direct or indirect damages arising from the use or the inability to use the site, including, but not limited to, data loss or service interruptions.

| Modification of the Terms of Use

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting reserves the right to modify these General Terms of Use at any time. Changes will be effective immediately upon their publication on our site. It is your responsibility to regularly check this page to stay informed of any updates. Continued use of the site following such modifications constitutes your acceptance of the new Terms of Use. If you do not agree with the changes made, you must cease using the site.

| Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These Terms of Use are governed by French law. In case of dispute regarding the use of our site, the French courts will have jurisdiction to judge the matter. This provision applies regardless of your place of residence or the geographical location from which you access the site. If you have any questions related to these Terms of Use, please do not hesitate to contact us via cgu@datashieldconsulting.com for clarification or additional information.