01 || Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Version of January 1, 2024

At DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, we are firmly committed to protecting and respecting the privacy of our users. We understand the importance of your personal data and are dedicated to treating it with care and responsibility. This privacy policy aims to transparently inform you about how we collect, use, and protect your personal data in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Data Protection Act (LIL).

Our goal is to build a relationship of trust with you, ensuring the security and confidentiality of your personal information. Whether you are browsing our website or interacting with us in any other way, we are committed to upholding the highest data protection standards.

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy or your personal data, our Data Protection Officer (DPO) is at your disposal. You can contact them at any time at dpo@datashieldconsulting.com, or by mail at DATASHIELD Risk Consulting – 16 rue Cuvier, CS 70381 69457 LYON 06, France.

| How do we collect your personal data via this website?

  • Cookies : We use various types of cookies to enhance user experience, analyze traffic, and personalize content. You have the option to accept or refuse these cookies, with detailed information provided in our cookie section.

  • Forms : When you fill out forms (contact, newsletter subscription, etc.), we collect the information you provide. These data are used to respond to your requests and provide relevant information.

  • Web Analytics : Web analytics tools are employed to understand how our visitors interact with the site, allowing us to continuously improve our online offering.

We commit to processing your data in a transparent and secure manner, in accordance with GDPR standards.

| What do we do with your personal data?

We value your personal data (PD) with rigorous and respectful confidentiality management. Here's how we use them:

  • Audience Analysis : Data collected via our site are analyzed by Hubspot, a powerful audience analysis tool, securely hosted in the EU on AWS servers, thus ensuring strict compliance with GDPR standards.

  • Interaction Management : Information provided in forms is used to efficiently respond to your specific requests and needs, whether it's customer service, newsletter subscriptions, or updating our CRM.

  • Targeted Communication : Your email address, obtained during newsletter subscription, is processed through Hubspot to send you relevant and personalized information, always respecting your preferences and consent.

We are committed to not using your PD for purposes other than those explicitly mentioned, thus ensuring the protection of your privacy.

| Who has access to your personal data?

Raw data can be accessed by employees of DATASHIELD Risk Consulting.

| On what legal basis do we process your personal data?

The processing of your personal data (PD) by DATASHIELD Risk Consulting is based on a solid legal foundation in compliance with GDPR. We process your data primarily based on your informed and explicit consent, which you can withdraw at any time. For certain activities, like audience analysis, we rely on our legitimate interest while ensuring the protection of your rights and freedoms. For any questions or to withdraw your consent, contact our DPO at dpo@datashieldconsulting.com or at our postal address DATASHIELD Risk Consulting – 16 rue Cuvier, CS 70381 69457 LYON 06, France.

| How long will we keep your PD?

The retention periods for your PD are individualized according to the specific PD processing involved. This allows us to adhere closely to a reasoned retention duration, that is, strictly necessary for the pursuit of the intended interests and cannot exceed 5 years.

| What are your rights as a data subject?

As a data subject, the GDPR grants you several fundamental rights regarding your personal data (PD) that DATASHIELD Risk Consulting fully respects. You can easily exercise these rights by contacting our DPO via dpo@datashieldconsulting.com or by mail. Your rights include:

  • Right of access : Access the information we hold about you.

  • Right to rectification : Update your personal data if there are any changes.

  • Right to erasure : Request the deletion of your personal data.

We are here to ensure that your rights are respected and to facilitate their exercise.