Our qualifications

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting completes its qualification journey and commits.

We are proud of our commitment to a key qualifications journey, thus marking our determination to offer the highest quality cybersecurity services.

| Listed as a service provider on cybermalveillance.gouv.fr

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting is proud to be listed as a service provider on cybermalveillance.gouv.fr. A sign of its commitment to supporting professionals victims of cybermalveillance acts: assistance, advice, and remediation.

Logo Listed on the Cybermalveillance.gouv.fr platform

| Cyber Expert: recognition by cybermalveillance.gouv.fr

We are starting the Cyber Expert qualification process, supported by cybermalveillance.gouv.fr. This qualification will highlight our expertise in combating cyber threats and our ability to offer concrete and effective solutions to protect you.

This label testifies to our commitment to providing digital risk management consulting services in line with the strictest standards. It also emphasizes our ability to effectively support businesses and organizations in protecting their infrastructures and data against digital threats.

Logo ExpertCyber Cybermalveillance.gouv.fr

| ANSSI Qualifications: a comprehensive range of certified skills

We are also engaging in the qualifications of the ANSSI (National Agency for the Security of Information Systems), thus affirming our expertise at a national level. These qualifications include:

  • PACS (Trusted Secure Confidence Audit Provider) : Certifying our ability to assess the security of information systems.
  • PASSI (Information Systems Security Audit Provider) : Recognizing our expertise in IT security auditing.
  • PRIS (Security Incident Response Provider) : Highlighting our competence in managing security incidents.
  • PAMS (Secure Maintenance Audit Provider) : Demonstrating our aptitude for maintaining the security of IT systems.
  • PDIS (Security Incident Detection Provider) : Highlighting our ability to efficiently detect security incidents.
Logo ANSSI security visa

| Qualiopi: commitment to quality in training

And we also begin our journey with the qualification that will attest to the quality of our training process.

Logo Qualiopi

This approach is part of our desire to ensure a level of excellence.