
SERENICITY develops precision cybersecurity hardware and software solutions to identify and neutralize toxic flows on digital networks.

Founded in 2018, SERENICITY has already filed 9 patents and has 11 collaborators in 2023.

The values of SERENICITY are independence, autonomy, sovereignty, and the desire to make protective measures in cyberspace accessible to all.

SERENICITY's market positioning enables cyber protection for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), intermediate-sized enterprises (ETIs), local authorities, as well as major clients seeking sovereign solutions that can be deployed both nationally and internationally.

Thanks to its patented technology for detecting and qualifying cyber threats, SERENICITY has signed partnership agreements with the Central Directorate of Judicial Police and the Cyber Command of the Gendarmerie.

SERENICITY's solutions are validated by ANSSI for access to funding from the Recovery Plan.

| The solutions

| Detoxio

Detoxio is an innovative solution from Serenicity designed to protect organizations against cyber threats.

It specializes in detecting and blocking toxic flows, offering real-time alerts and automated cybersecurity reports. Detoxio stands out for its ease of use, intuitive interface, and its ability to integrate with other security systems.

It is suitable for various types of networks and is supported by the Serenicity Cerberus database for accurate threat identification.

Here is a detailed overview of its features and benefits:

  • Detection and blocking of toxic flows: Detoxio actively analyzes and blocks harmful data flows, thus ensuring the protection of organizational data.
  • Real-time alerts and risk anticipation: The solution provides instant alerts on potential threats, enabling organizations to quickly respond to prevent security incidents.
  • Automated cybersecurity reports: Detoxio generates detailed reports on the information system's status, offering an overview of security.
  • Simplified monitoring with Serenicity control: The intuitive interface of Serenicity Control allows for easy surveillance and clear understanding of threats.
  • Versatility: Suitable for different types of networks, Detoxio can be deployed in physical or virtual form in numerous environments.
  • Enhanced security: It integrates the Serenicity Cerberus database, which is regularly updated with the latest indicators of compromise, derived from patented technologies and partnerships with authorities.
  • Technical specifications: Detoxio is characterized by its simple installation, the ability to work with different information systems, and its cost-effectiveness.
  • Data sovereignty and confidentiality: Designed and developed in France, the solution is hosted in Europe, thus ensuring compliance with GDPR requirements and extraterritorial laws.
  • Adaptability to different sectors: Detoxio is suitable for a wide range of organizations, from small businesses to large corporations and governmental entities, offering preventive and reactive measures against cyberattacks.

| Cymealog

The Cymealog solution by Serenicity is an advanced log analysis solution designed to enhance the cybersecurity of organizations. Here is a detailed overview of its features and benefits:

  • Threat Identification: Cymealog is capable of analyzing high-frequency data streams to identify threats that may alter, destroy, or steal an organization's data. This analysis can be done on the history of logs or in real-time.
  • Complementarity with other solutions: Cymealog works in conjunction with firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPS/IDS), etc. It offers a clear visualization of logs in Serenicity Control, allowing users to understand the nature and origin of threats.
  • Advanced Security Features: Cymealog offers features such as rapid log detection upon receipt, management of different log formats, supervision of toxic and non-toxic flows, and sending of customizable alerts.
  • Serenicity Cerberus Database: Integrated into Cymealog, this database is constantly updated with the latest indicators of compromise, thanks to Serenicity's patented technologies and agreements with authorities.
  • Technical Specifications: Cymealog supports various log formats (Stormshield™, Cisco™, Fortinet™, etc.) and offers a secure channel for log deposit, network availability up to 1Gb/s, and data access via a REST API.
  • Respect for Data Sovereignty and Confidentiality: Designed and developed in France and hosted in Europe, Serenicity's solutions, including Cymealog, ensure data security in compliance with GDPR requirements and extraterritorial laws.
  • Compatibility with Security Operations Centers: Regardless of the size of your organization, Cymealog is compatible with SOC (Security Operations Center) solutions, thus ensuring effective monitoring and protection of your IT assets.
  • Installation and Use: The installation of Cymealog is carried out in three phases: provision of a secure channel for log deposit, establishment of log transfer, and validation and creation of access to Serenicity Control.

| Control

Serenicity Control is an advanced solution for the management and visualization of information systems. It offers an intuitive interface allowing for effective supervision and rapid understanding of data provided by other Serenicity solutions like Detoxio and Cymealog.

With features such as data visualization, alert configuration, and PDF report generation, Control simplifies cybersecurity management. It also integrates the Serenicity Cerberus database for proactive and comprehensive protection.

Here is a detailed overview of its features and benefits:

  • Intuitive Interface: Facilitates the reading and interpretation of cybersecurity data.
  • Advanced Data Visualization: Allows for a quick understanding of the state of the information system.
  • Configurable Alerts: For rapid response to detected threats.
  • PDF Reports: Easy generation of comprehensible reports.
  • Integration with Serenicity Cerberus: Provides up-to-date threat information.
  • Compliance with Privacy Standards: Respects data sovereignty and GDPR requirements.