
March 2024 : GDPR Compliance of Your Website

February 2024 : The role of employee training in cybersecurity challenges

January 2024 : Directive NIS 2 : Strengthening the cybersecurity of SMEs and communities

December 2023 : Facing the growing threat of cyber-attacks in the healthcare sector

November 2023 : Navigating complexity : Managing cyber risks related to third parties

October 2023 : Enterprise cybersecurity: Protect your future with DATASHIELD Risk Consulting

GDPR Compliance of Your Website

Portrait Meï Jang

An article by Meï Jang - Community Manager

Updated on March 2, 2024 - reading time: 5 min

Desktop computer with a GDPR compliant website

Today, where data is at the heart of almost all online transactions, the protection of individual privacy has become a critical concern. In this rapidly evolving landscape, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) represents a cornerstone in the protection of personal data. Since its entry into force in May 2018, GDPR has transformed the way companies collect, store, and process data, placing the privacy of individuals at the forefront.

Despite an initial transition period to allow businesses to adapt, GDPR compliance remains a challenge for many website owners. The complexity of the rules and the fear of penalties for non-compliance have created some confusion around this regulation. To keep your website up to standards, here is our "guide" article to understanding GDPR and its best practices.

Our goal here is to demystify GDPR and offer clear and practical advice to ensure your website's compliance. We will explore the fundamental principles of GDPR, the specific obligations of websites, and the steps to take to avoid penalties. By fully understanding the implications of GDPR and implementing the recommended best practices, you can not only ensure your website's compliance but also strengthen your users' trust and proactively protect their privacy.

| Understanding GDPR: GDPR

GDPR, short for General Data Protection Regulation, represents a major evolution in European legislation on the protection of personal data. Adopted in 2016 and coming into effect in May 2018, this regulation aims to strengthen the rights of individuals by giving them greater control over their personal data. Its goal is to create a harmonized regulatory framework across the European Union, thus simplifying the complex data protection landscape for businesses and citizens.

GDPR sets out clear and strict principles regarding the collection, processing, and storage of personal data. Among these principles, there is the necessity to obtain explicit consent before collecting data, the obligation of transparency about the use of data, and the responsibility to ensure the security and integrity of these data. These requirements apply to all businesses, regardless of their size or sector of activity, that process personal data of European Union citizens, whether these businesses are located in the EU or not.

By fully understanding the principles and requirements of GDPR, website owners can ensure that their data collection and processing practices comply with current regulations. This not only allows them to abide by the law but also to strengthen the trust and loyalty of their users towards their website and business. In the following sections of this guide, we will explore in detail the specific obligations of websites under GDPR and practical measures to ensure compliance.

| The Key Principles of GDPR

GDPR is based on seven fundamental principles that define the obligations of businesses in terms of data protection. These principles, stated in a clear and concise manner, are designed to ensure that personal data of individuals are treated ethically, transparently, and securely.

  • Lawfulness, Fairness, and Transparency: Organizations must act in a lawful, fair, and transparent manner when collecting and processing personal data. This means individuals must be informed in a clear and understandable manner about how their data will be used.
  • Purpose Limitation: Personal data must be collected for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes and not processed in a way incompatible with those initial purposes.
  • Data Minimization: Organizations must only collect personal data that is strictly necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. This means data must be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes of processing.
  • Accuracy: Personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. Organizations must take steps to ensure that inaccurate data is corrected or deleted as soon as possible.
  • Storage Limitation: Personal data must not be kept longer than necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. Organizations must establish appropriate retention periods for different categories of personal data.
  • Integrity and Confidentiality: Personal data must be processed in a way that ensures its security, confidentiality, and integrity. Organizations must implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect data against unauthorized access, disclosure, or accidental or unlawful destruction.
  • Accountability: Organizations must be able to demonstrate compliance with GDPR principles. This involves implementing appropriate policies, procedures, and internal controls to ensure adherence to data protection regulations.

By understanding and applying these key principles, businesses can ensure that their practices of collecting, processing, and storing data comply with GDPR requirements, thereby strengthening trust and transparency in their dealings with their clients and users.

| The obligations of websites under GDPR

Desktop computer on a website with the European flag

Websites play a crucial role in the collection and processing of users' personal data. As such, they are subject to specific obligations under GDPR to ensure the protection of individuals' privacy. Here are some of the main obligations that websites must comply with.

Obtaining clear and explicit consent is a priority for websites before collecting users' personal data. This consent must be freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous. Users must be transparently informed about how their data will be used and have the opportunity to accept or refuse it.

Respecting users' rights is also essential. Websites must ensure the respect of fundamental rights of users, such as the right of access, the right to rectification, the right to erasure, the right to restrict processing, the right to data portability, and the right to object. Users must be able to exercise these rights easily and promptly, and websites must respond to their requests within the timeframes prescribed by the regulation.

Transparency and information are the pillars of the relationship between websites and their users. Websites must provide clear and transparent information about how their data is collected, used, processed, and protected. This includes setting up an easily accessible privacy policy, which explains in detail the website's data collection and processing practices.

Data security is a top priority. Websites must implement appropriate security measures to protect users' personal data against unauthorized access, disclosure, or destruction. This includes securing data during its transmission and storage, as well as implementing technical and organizational security measures to prevent data breaches.

Finally, cookie management is a crucial aspect of GDPR compliance. Websites must inform users about the use of cookies and obtain their consent before placing them on their devices. Users must have the option to control the cookies used by the website and accept or refuse them according to their preferences.

By adhering to these obligations and adopting GDPR-compliant data collection and processing practices, websites can strengthen users' trust and avoid penalties for non-compliance. Proactively implementing privacy protection measures can also lead to a stronger and more lasting relationship with users, based on transparency, trust, and respect for privacy.

| Penalties for non-compliance

Non-compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) can result in severe consequences for websites, highlighting the crucial importance of adhering to high standards of personal data protection. Penalties for non-compliance can vary significantly, ranging from simple warnings to financial fines that can reach up to 4% of the company's global annual turnover, or 20 million euros, whichever is higher. These penalties are intended to encourage strict compliance by highlighting the significant repercussions of negligent data management.

Beyond fines, companies can also suffer irreparable reputational damage. User and customer trust is essential in the digital economy, and a notable GDPR breach can erode that trust, thus affecting client relationships and long-term business prospects. Regulatory authorities can also impose restrictions on data processing, limiting the company's ability to operate effectively.

To avoid these sanctions, it is crucial for website owners to understand their obligations under GDPR and implement policies and practices that ensure compliance with these rules. This includes conducting regular audits, updating privacy policies, ensuring data security, and ongoing employee training on best data protection practices. By taking these proactive steps, businesses can not only avoid financial and reputational penalties but also strengthen user trust, a valuable asset in today's digital landscape.

GDPR compliance is essential for websites to ensure the protection of users' privacy and comply with current regulations. By adopting a proactive approach and implementing practical measures such as data auditing, updating privacy policies, obtaining user consent, securing data, managing cookies, and staff training, website owners can strengthen user trust, avoid penalties, and promote a strong and lasting relationship based on transparency and respect for privacy. Ultimately, investing in GDPR compliance is not just a legal obligation but also an opportunity to consolidate your business's reputation and credibility in an ever-evolving digital environment.

For further information, we invite you to consult our white paper: GDPR Compliance of your website

The role of employee training in cybersecurity challenges

Portrait Meï Jang

An article by Meï Jang - Community Manager

Updated February 2, 2024 - reading time: 4 min

An IT expert from the DATASHIELD Risk Consulting team training the teams

In today's digital environment, marked by the digitization of all aspects of business activities, employee cybersecurity training emerges as a fundamental element to ensure the security of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). These structures, often the least equipped to face cyber threats, find in employee training an essential line of defense.

Cybersecurity is no longer limited to advanced technological solutions; it also encompasses awareness and human preparedness in the face of constantly evolving threats. Increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks aim not only to exploit technical flaws but also gaps in employee training and vigilance. Indeed, a significant portion of security incidents stems from human errors, such as a lack of discernment in facing phishing attempts or inappropriate handling of sensitive data.

In this sense, cybersecurity training goes beyond merely sharing technical information; it aims to integrate security awareness as a daily reflex within the organization. Each employee becomes an active link in the company's defense chain, capable of identifying and reporting suspicious activities, thereby reducing the risk of internal and external incidents.

This proactive approach is particularly crucial for SMEs. Due to their limited resources, these businesses can be perceived as easier targets by cybercriminals. However, by investing in rigorous and ongoing cybersecurity training, they can significantly strengthen their security posture, transforming their employees into an informed and vigilant first line of defense.

| The Necessity of Cybersecurity Training

With the escalation of cyber threats, cybersecurity training has become an absolute necessity, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This need stems from the rapid and constant evolution of cybercrime techniques, which see cyber attackers constantly innovating, exploiting new vulnerabilities, and developing ever more sophisticated strategies. In this context, it becomes crucial to regularly train employees so they can effectively recognize and counter these threats.

The expansion of remote work, coupled with the increasing use of mobile devices and cloud technologies, has multiplied potential entry points for cyber attacks. Training plays a key role in understanding and managing the risks associated with these developments. Moreover, knowing that a large part of cybersecurity incidents are due to human errors, often through negligence or ignorance, adequate training becomes essential to sensitize employees to security practices.

Another crucial aspect of cybersecurity training concerns regulatory compliance. With increasingly strict data protection laws, it is vital that employees are well trained to ensure compliance with these standards, thus avoiding potential sanctions for the company.

But it's not just about preventing attacks. It is fundamental to establish a security culture within the company where each individual is aware of their role in protecting the organization. This culture creates an environment where security is a collective responsibility, not just the burden of a few individuals.

Moreover, being well trained in cybersecurity prepares employees to respond effectively in case of an incident, thus minimizing damage and accelerating recovery, thereby preserving the reputation and continuity of the company's activities.

| Strategic Advantages of Training

Cybersecurity training goes beyond simple risk prevention; it brings substantial strategic advantages to businesses. At the forefront of these benefits is the strengthening of customer trust. In a world where data security has become a major concern, businesses that demonstrate a strong commitment to cybersecurity inspire more trust. This trust translates into increased customer loyalty and the attraction of new clients, aware of the importance of doing business with secure partners.

In-depth cybersecurity training also provides a significant competitive advantage. Well-trained and aware businesses are often perceived as more reliable and competent. This perception not only facilitates new business partnerships but also opens up opportunities in markets with higher security demands.

The impact of cybersecurity training is not limited to the external; it also contributes to optimizing internal processes. Well-trained employees are better able to effectively detect and prevent security incidents, which can reduce operational costs related to business interruptions and incident responses. Additionally, a secure business is a more stable business, which can translate into substantial savings in terms of time and resources.

Finally, cybersecurity training plays a crucial role in strengthening a company's reputation. In a business environment where reputation can be quickly compromised by a security incident, effective and continuous training is a sign of seriousness and professionalism. It demonstrates a clear commitment to data protection, an element increasingly valued both in the business world and by the general public.

| Impact on Reputation and Trust

An IT expert from the DATASHIELD Risk Consulting team discussing with a business manager

Investing in cybersecurity training has a profound effect on reputation and trust, two essential pillars in today's business world. A company that shows its commitment to data security and the prevention of cyber attacks gains the trust not only of its clients but also of its partners and investors. This trust is all the more valuable in a context where information about security flaws and data breaches spreads quickly and can durably tarnish a company's reputation.

Thorough cybersecurity training manifests a clear commitment to data protection, a major concern for many clients and business partners. In an increasingly connected world, where information security is at the heart of concerns, a company that can demonstrate a strong cybersecurity culture stands out. This distinction has a direct impact on the company's brand image, making it more attractive to security-conscious clients and strengthening the loyalty of existing clients.

Furthermore, in a business environment where companies are constantly evaluated on their ability to manage risks, a robust cybersecurity training strategy is seen as an indicator of professionalism and reliability. This not only reinforces internal trust among employees but also improves the company's perception in its industry.

| Strengthening Organizational Resilience

Strengthening organizational resilience is at the heart of cybersecurity strategies, and employee training plays a crucial role in this process. In an ever-evolving threat landscape, a company's ability to prepare for, respond to, and recover from cybersecurity incidents is essential. Effective cybersecurity training makes employees not only vigilant about potential threats but also prepares them to react appropriately in the event of an attack, thus contributing to the overall resilience of the business.

A resilient company is one that integrates cybersecurity into all aspects of its operations. This implies constant awareness and updating of the entire staff's skills. By training employees to identify and manage security risks, a company can significantly reduce the potential damage caused by cyberattacks. This not only minimizes immediate operational disruptions but also limits the long-term impacts on the company's reputation and finances.

A culture of resilience in cybersecurity also promotes a proactive rather than reactive approach to threats. This means that employees are not only capable of responding effectively when an attack occurs but are also involved in implementing preventive measures to prevent such incidents. Such a culture encourages innovation in security and informed decision-making, thereby reducing reliance on reactive security solutions.

| DATASHIELD Risk Consulting's Approach

At DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, we adopt a tailored and scalable approach to cybersecurity training, specially designed to meet the unique challenges of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the current digital environment. Recognizing that each business has its cybersecurity needs, we strive to provide customized and pragmatic training solutions.

Our training program goes beyond the fundamentals of cybersecurity and is continually updated to reflect the latest trends and threats. This approach ensures that our clients receive current and relevant information, effectively preparing them to face the realities of the digital world.

We favor an interactive learning method, immersing employees in practical scenarios and simulations to prepare them for real-life situations. This not only improves awareness of cybersecurity issues but also strengthens the practical skills essential for an effective response in case of an incident.

We firmly believe in the importance of creating a security culture within businesses, where cybersecurity is a shared responsibility of all members of the organization, not just the IT departments. Our trainings are therefore designed to integrate cybersecurity into the daily life of each employee, thereby strengthening the overall resilience of the business.

Aware that cybersecurity training is an ongoing process, we are committed to accompanying our clients throughout their journey, offering constant support and resources to ensure their employees remain informed and prepared in the face of constantly evolving threats.

Directive NIS 2 : Strengthening the cybersecurity of SMEs and communities

Portrait Hans Mourette

An article from Hans Mourette - CEO of DATASHIELD Risk Consulting.

Updated on January 2, 2024 - reading time: 5 min

Processor with European flag and NIS 2 standard

Enacted on December 27, 2022, in the Official Journal of the European Union, the NIS 2 Directive represents a crucial evolution in European legislation for the fundamental pillar of the sustainability and prosperity of businesses that is cybersecurity. At DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, we understand that this directive is not just a response to constantly evolving cyber threats, but also a strategic opportunity for SMEs and local authorities to optimize their security posture.

The adoption of the NIS 2 Directive coincides with a period when cybersecurity transcends sectors and borders, touching every aspect of our professional and personal lives. The increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks and security incidents that marked the year 2023 underline the urgency of enhanced protection.

| Understanding the NIS 2 Directive

The NIS 2 Directive, enacted as a major revision of European cybersecurity legislation, aims to create a safer and more resilient digital environment within the European Union. This revision is part of a context of constantly evolving cyber threats and increasing interdependence of information systems and networks across the continent.

| History and context

The original NIS Directive, adopted in 2016, was the first European Union legislation on cybersecurity. It laid the foundations for better security of networks and information systems. However, with the acceleration of digital transformation and the emergence of new threats, it became evident that an update was necessary. The NIS 2 Directive addresses these new challenges by expanding the scope and strengthening the requirements of the original directive.

| Extension of the scope

NIS 2 significantly broadens the scope compared to its predecessor. It now includes a larger number of sectors and entities, including SMEs meeting certain size or impact criteria, as well as certain public entities and local authorities. This extension recognizes that cybersecurity is no longer just a concern for large corporations or critical sectors, but affects all levels of society and the economy.

| Strengthening of security and notification requirements

Under the Directive, concerned entities must adhere to stricter security standards. This includes implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to manage security risks, as well as mechanisms to prevent, detect, and respond to cyber incidents.

In addition to strengthening security measures, the directive emphasizes the speed and efficiency of incident reporting. Entities must report serious incidents to national authorities within a very short time frame, allowing for a coordinated and rapid response at the European Union level.

| Cooperation and management of cross-border risks

A key aspect of the NIS 2 Directive is the promotion of increased cooperation between European Union Member States. This is crucial for effectively managing risks and responding to incidents that have a cross-border impact. The directive establishes frameworks for information sharing, incident response coordination, and mutual assistance among Member States.

| Impact on cybersecurity governance

NIS 2 also recognizes the importance of governance in cybersecurity within organizations. It encourages businesses and local authorities to integrate cybersecurity into their high-level management and to establish clear links between the management of cyber risks and the overall strategy of the organization.

| Impact on SMEs and Local Authorities

NIS 2 documents

The NIS 2 Directive, with its extended and strengthened requirements, has a significant impact on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as local authorities. These entities play a crucial role in the European economy and are often attractive targets for cyberattacks due to their limited security resources.

| Challenges and Opportunities for SMEs

SMEs, in particular, may perceive compliance with the NIS 2 Directive as a challenge due to their limited resources and cybersecurity expertise. However, it is essential to recognize that adopting these measures can also bring significant benefits.

Enhanced Security and Resilience: By complying with the directive, SMEs can strengthen their security and resilience against cyber threats. This can reduce the risks of operational disruptions and financial losses due to cyberattacks.

Competitive Advantage: Robust cybersecurity can become a competitive advantage, enhancing the trust of customers and partners.

Access to New Opportunities: Compliant SMEs can access new market opportunities, especially in sectors where security is a major concern.

| Support Measures for SMEs

To help SMEs overcome these challenges, it is important that governments and EU institutions provide adequate support. This could include:

Training and Awareness: Programs to educate SMEs about cybersecurity and help them develop security strategies.

Financial Aids and Grants: Financial incentives to help SMEs invest in cybersecurity measures.

Tools and Resources: Provision of tools and resources to simplify the implementation of the directive's requirements.

| Impact on Local Authorities

Local authorities play a central role in the implementation of the NIS 2 Directive. They must not only comply with the directive but also support SMEs and citizens in their jurisdiction.

Improving Security Infrastructure: Local authorities need to invest in improving their cybersecurity infrastructure, which can also benefit local communities and businesses.

Leadership and Awareness Role: Local authorities can play a leadership role in raising cybersecurity awareness and promoting best practices within the community.

Collaboration with Local Businesses: By collaborating with local businesses, local authorities can help create a stronger cybersecurity ecosystem.

In conclusion, the NIS 2 Directive represents a significant advance in strengthening cybersecurity within the European Union, bringing major changes that affect both SMEs and local authorities. This directive not only responds to current cyber threats but also lays the foundation for a more proactive and collaborative approach to cybersecurity.

For SMEs, the NIS 2 Directive offers a unique opportunity to review and strengthen their cybersecurity measures. Although this may represent an initial challenge, especially in terms of resources and expertise, the long-term benefits are undeniable. Better digital security not only translates into increased protection against cyberattacks but can also lead to a competitive advantage, strengthening customer trust and opening the way to new business opportunities.

For local authorities, this directive underscores their crucial role not only as directly concerned actors in cybersecurity but also as catalysts and supporters for local SMEs. By investing in improving their security infrastructures and playing a leadership role in awareness and collaboration, local authorities can significantly contribute to establishing a safer digital environment for all.

Ultimately, the NIS 2 Directive is more than just a regulation; it is a call for collective action and heightened awareness of the importance of cybersecurity in our interconnected digital world. At DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, we are committed to accompanying our clients at every step of this process, providing the expertise, tools, and support necessary to successfully navigate this new cybersecurity landscape.

For further reading: we invite you to consult our white paper: NIS 2

Facing the growing threat of cyber-attacks in the healthcare sector

Portrait Hans Mourette

An article from Hans Mourette - CEO of DATASHIELD Risk Consulting.

Updated on December 11, 2023 - reading time: 4 min

Ambulance in front of a hospital

The year 2023 marks a crucial turning point for cybersecurity in the French healthcare sector. With a surge in cyberattacks, as evidenced by the incident at Brest University Hospital in March 2023, healthcare professionals are facing a constantly evolving threat landscape. These attacks highlight the vulnerability of aging computer systems and the need for enhanced security to protect sensitive patient data.

The increase in cyberattacks, reported by ENISA (European Union Agency for Cybersecurity), is due to the high value of medical data (a cybercriminal can expect to resell each medical record for between 50€ and 250€) and the accelerated digitization of healthcare services. The growing interconnection of IT systems, the adoption of telemedicine, and dependence on biomedical equipment increase the attack surface and expose infrastructures to heightened risks. In France, the volume of e-health data has significantly increased, necessitating a more robust approach to cybersecurity.

| Cyber strategies for securing medical infrastructures

In France, securing healthcare infrastructures relies on several fundamental elements, according to the guidelines of ANSSI (National Agency for the Security of Information Systems). The crucial first step is the identification and securing of different access points, which are divided into four main categories: human, software, network, and physical aspects. However, it is imperative to adopt effective cybersecurity measures that not only cover internal systems but also extend to all partners and all external access points.

Audit and in-depth analysis of healthcare systems, including biomedical equipment and sensitive data, are essential to detect elements most likely to be compromised. It is important that security measures be specifically designed to adapt to the unique characteristics of health data, which cannot be entirely anonymized. This implies finding a delicate balance between anonymized databases and those allowing re-identification of records, to ensure both the protection of personal information and the functionality of healthcare systems.

Continuous management of information system security is crucial to ensure constant evolution and improvement in healthcare facilities. Managed systems represent an effective solution, as they allow for resource pooling and address skill shortages. Healthcare establishments are also advised to consolidate their information technology and operational infrastructures (IT/OT) to make them more robust and resilient. It is important to note that non-malicious incidents play a significant role in security problems, highlighting the need for increased vigilance in all aspects of security management. Collaboration with cybersecurity specialists, like DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, is crucial to effectively combat cyber threats and prevent failures. These specialists provide essential expertise and support to healthcare staff, ensuring the protection of infrastructures, services, and patients.

| Strengthening and implementing cybersecurity standards in the healthcare sector

Doctor working in front of his computer

The practical implementation of regulations in the healthcare sector in France is undergoing significant changes with the adoption of the NIS 2 directive and the GDPR at the European level. This regulatory evolution, reinforced by the actions of ANSSI, ARS, ANS, CERT-Santé, and CNIL, highlights the increased importance of cybersecurity in the healthcare sector.

The need for these changes was highlighted by significant cyberattacks, such as the one that affected Rouen University Hospital in 2019, an event that triggered national reflection on the protection of hospitals. In response, the French government integrated measures into the France Relance plan, led by ANSSI, aimed at strengthening the security of public health institutions. Today, more than 130 institutions are committed to this cybersecurity journey.

The importance of compliance is underscored by the example of CNIL's intervention with two medical research organizations. In March 2023, CNIL reminded these organizations of their legal obligations after finding shortcomings in the protection of health data. These shortcomings included the absence of data protection impact assessments and incomplete information provided to research participants. This CNIL action underlines the necessary vigilance in managing health data and complying with legal obligations.

The NIS 2 directive, adopted in January 2023, will require many French companies and administrations to strengthen their security standards. This directive is ambitious and aims to establish a common cyber maturity across the European Union. It extends its scope to sectors heavily reliant on information and communication technologies, including healthcare institutions. The directive imposes new obligations in terms of incident handling, risk management, supply chain security, encryption, and vulnerability disclosure.

To prepare companies for these changes, the directive provides mechanisms for proportionality, distinguishing between essential and important entities, and defines specific requirements for each category. The envisaged sanctions can reach up to 10 million euros, or 2% of the global turnover of the concerned entity.

This new regulation thus requires companies, including those in the healthcare sector, to raise the level of their IT security to comply with the requirements of the NIS 2 directive

Faced with the growing threat of cyberattacks in the healthcare sector, it is imperative to adopt a proactive approach to cybersecurity. Regulatory developments, along with the coordinated efforts of organizations, highlight the crucial importance of protecting medical infrastructures and sensitive patient data. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, with its expertise in security audits, strategic advice, and assistance in case of incidents, positions itself as a partner for healthcare institutions, offering tailored solutions to strengthen their resilience against cyber threats.

Navigating complexity : Managing cyber risks related to third parties

Portrait Meï Jang

An article from Meï Jang - Community Manager

Updated on November 25, 2023 - reading time: 5min

employee working in front of his computer

In the complex landscape of modern businesses, where cross-functional structures and interdepartmental collaboration dominate, the management of cyber risks related to third parties has become an unavoidable strategic necessity. In the era of the extended enterprise, characterized by the digitalization of processes and increased interdependence with a vast network of partners, it is vital to adopt sophisticated analysis methods to assess and mitigate risks.

These methods must not only encompass traditional risk management tools, but also adapt to the specifics of cyberspace, an ever-evolving environment where threats can emerge from multiple external sources.

In this context, DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, with its expertise, plays a crucial role in providing tailor-made solutions to navigate effectively in this complex environment.

| The stakes of risk for businesses

Faced with threats of data leaks and business process disruptions, the management of risks related to third parties is more critical than ever. Each partner, whether a supplier, subcontractor, or distributor, can inadvertently introduce vulnerabilities into the system.

For example, simple negligence in updating security systems at a partner's site can open the door to devastating cyberattacks, affecting not only the third-party entity but also the main business.

The FAIR method, employed by DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, is designed to assess these risks in their complexity, taking into account factors such as the likelihood of an incident occurring and the potential magnitude of financial damage. This quantitative approach offers businesses a clear perspective on risks, helping them to optimally allocate resources for prevention and mitigation.

| Strategic and commercial advantages

Effective management of third-party risks is not limited to preventing losses; it also offers substantial strategic advantages.

Companies able to demonstrate a high level of security attract more advantageous partnerships, as they are perceived as reliable players in an increasingly data-driven business ecosystem. This reliability translates into a distinct competitive advantage, creating opportunities to conquer new markets and strengthen relationships with stakeholders.

Moreover, proactive management of cyber risks can lead to business process optimization, enabling significant savings and improved operational efficiency.

| Strengthening trust and reputation

Trust is an invaluable asset in today's business environment. A company that effectively manages cyber risks related to third parties not only secures the trust of its customers but also that of its partners and investors.

This trust is the result of a visible commitment to data security and privacy protection, which have become major concerns for consumers and businesses.

Moreover, good risk management contributes to building and maintaining a positive reputation in the market, which is essential for attracting new customers and partners in an increasingly connected world aware of cybersecurity issues.

| Building organizational resilience

Organizational resilience has become a priority for businesses facing an ever-evolving threat landscape. A proactive cyber risk management strategy, focused on prevention, detection, and rapid response to incidents, is essential for maintaining operational continuity.

This resilience is not limited to preparing for cyberattacks; it also involves the ability to recover quickly from an incident and to learn from it to strengthen security measures.

By adopting a comprehensive and integrated approach, companies can not only minimize the impact of attacks but also turn these challenges into opportunities to improve their systems and processes.

Modern building and business network

| Understanding third parties in cybersecurity

In an interconnected ecosystem, third parties play an increasingly central role. This includes not only suppliers and subcontractors but also less obvious actors such as cloud service providers and joint venture partners.

Understanding these relationships is crucial for adequately assessing risks. For example, a partner may have access to sensitive data, or their infrastructure may be seamlessly integrated into the company's systems.

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting helps navigate this complexity by identifying and assessing risks at every level of the ecosystem, thus ensuring comprehensive protection against potential vulnerabilities.

| Nature and types of risks

Cyber risks related to third parties are varied and can include everything from the loss of sensitive data to the compromise of internal systems. A security breach at a cloud provider, for example, can not only affect data integrity but also lead to substantial financial losses and damage the reputation of the business.

In the face of these challenges, the approach of DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, which combines precise evaluation and proactive risk management, is essential. This approach is not limited to reacting to incidents; it aims to anticipate them and implement preventive measures to avoid them.

| Risk management strategies

Risk management strategies must include detailed assessments of third-party security, regular security audits, and incident response plans.

The expertise of DATASHIELD Risk Consulting is crucial in this context, as it allows customizing these strategies according to the specific needs of each company. Effective risk management is not limited to the adoption of cutting-edge technologies; it also involves continuous employee training and creating a security culture within the organization.

| Regulatory challenges and compliance

In the current context, marked by increasingly strict data and cybersecurity regulations, it is essential to ensure that partners comply with legal frameworks such as GDPR and HIPAA.

A violation of these regulations can lead to significant penalties, as well as a deterioration of the company's reputation. The approach of DATASHIELD Risk Consulting ensures that risk management strategies take into account these regulatory requirements, thus integrating compliance assessments into the third-party audit process.

This not only helps prevent penalties but also strengthens the trust of customers and partners in the company's practices.

| Trends and future of risk management

The adoption of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence marks the future of managing risks related to third parties. These technologies allow not only a more accurate assessment of risks but also increased responsiveness to emerging threats.

The expertise of DATASHIELD Risk Consulting in these areas positions companies for effective defense, covering the entire business ecosystem.

Furthermore, integrating AI and other advanced technologies into cybersecurity strategies allows companies to stay at the forefront of risk prevention, thus ensuring their leadership in an ever-evolving business environment.

Proactive management of cybersecurity risks related to third parties is essential for the security, agility, and resilience of modern matrix organizations. The strategies developed by DATASHIELD Risk Consulting not only strengthen the trust of clients and partners but also ensure consistent governance across the organization.

In doing so, they constitute a pillar of trust and sustainability in business relationships. By integrating these strategies into their operations, companies not only protect themselves against current risks but also position themselves to best exploit future opportunities.

By strengthening their reputation and building a solid foundation for continuous growth, they ensure lasting success in an increasingly cybersecurity and data-focused world.

Enterprise cybersecurity: Protect your future with DATASHIELD Risk Consulting

Portrait Hans Mourette

An article from Hans Mourette - CEO of DATASHIELD Risk Consulting.

Updated on October 25, 2023 - reading time: 6 min

Office with a fixed station in the dark

Cybersecurity is more crucial than ever for all businesses. In 2022, a study revealed alarming figures concerning the digital security of French companies, highlighting the urgency of taking proactive measures to safeguard against cyber threats. According to studies by Symantec and IFOP, 14% of victimized companies report having to spend more than 50,000 euros to get back on track after an attack, and up to 100,000 euros more for 6% of them. Consequently, 71% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that have been the target of a cyberattack do not recover and file for bankruptcy within three years.

These figures demonstrate the seriousness of the situation and the extent of the threat looming over businesses. Among economic actors, SMEs are particularly vulnerable to IT attacks. Due to their smaller size, they often have limited resources to implement robust protection mechanisms. However, it is essential to emphasize that, even with limited means, these businesses are not devoid of solutions to strengthen their digital security.

| The state of cybersecurity in france

| The impact of cyberattacks on all sectors, including the public sector

Cyberattacks do not discriminate between the public and private sectors, and recent examples of security breaches in the public sector attest to the extent of the problem. Critical institutions such as the city halls of Lille, Angers, as well as hospitals in Brest, Bourg-en-Bresse, and Corbeil-Essonnes have been targets of devastating cyberattacks, highlighting their vulnerability.

The consequences of these attacks for businesses range from the loss of sensitive data to the loss of credibility and trust from stakeholders. These incidents have a major financial and operational impact, underscoring the urgency of cybersecurity for all organizations.

| The CPME study in 2020 and the alarming statistics

According to a comprehensive study conducted by the Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprises (CPME) in 2020, the state of cybersecurity in France is alarming. This study revealed that 43% of French SMEs had been the victim of at least one IT attack in 2019, highlighting the prevalence of these incidents.

Among the most common types of attacks are phishing, ransomware, and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Phishing is one of the favorite techniques of cybercriminals to target individuals, while businesses are more often victims of ransomware, attacks that demand a ransom payment to unlock encrypted data. DDoS attacks aim to make services unavailable by overwhelming computer infrastructures with malicious traffic.

The average cost of an IT attack for an SME is estimated at about 75,000 euros, according to a study by Hiscox in 2019. These figures reveal the significant financial impact that attacks can have, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises, emphasizing the need to strengthen security measures.

| DATASHIELD Risk Consulting solutions

| Prevention

In the complex landscape of cybersecurity, prevention is the crucial first line of defense for businesses. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, as an expert, assists you in this critical phase of the cybersecurity cycle.

| 1. Employee awareness

The first step towards enhanced cybersecurity is to educate employees about good computer security practices. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting offers training and awareness programs specifically designed to help staff members recognize the warning signs of potential attacks. Employees are trained to identify phishing emails, malicious links, and suspicious behavior, thus reducing the risks associated with social engineering.

| 2. Security audits

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting offers comprehensive security audits to identify vulnerabilities in your company's systems and networks. These audits are conducted by cybersecurity experts, who assess existing infrastructures to detect potential flaws. Based on these evaluations, recommendations are made to strengthen the overall security of the company.

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting's approach to prevention is rooted in a deep understanding of current threats and best security practices. By collaborating with DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, companies can implement robust preventive measures, significantly reducing their exposure to cyber risks. The solutions offered by the company are tailored to the size and specific needs of each client, ensuring effective protection against current and emerging threats.

| Protection

When it comes to the security of systems and data, protection is a key pillar of cybersecurity strategy. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting offers a comprehensive range of security solutions designed to strengthen the robustness of its clients' IT infrastructures, prevent threats, and ensure the preservation of sensitive data.

| 1. Advanced firewalls

Firewalls play a central role in defending against external attacks. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting implements advanced firewalls to filter incoming and outgoing network traffic, thus blocking potential threats before they reach internal systems. These firewalls are custom-configured to meet the specific needs of each company.

| 2. Cutting-edge antivirus

Antivirus software is an essential bulwark against malware and viruses. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting offers cutting-edge antivirus solutions that use advanced detection technologies to identify and eliminate threats while ensuring real-time protection.

Computer with a padlock shield displayed on the screen

| 3. Data encryption

Data security is a major concern, especially for companies handling sensitive information. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting offers robust encryption software to protect stored and in-transit data. Encryption ensures that even in the event of a breach, the data remains inaccessible to cybercriminals.

| 4. Regular backups

Data loss can lead to devastating consequences. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting recommends and implements regular backup strategies to ensure the availability of critical data. These backups are configured to minimize data loss in the event of an incident.

| 5. Updates and patches

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting ensures that its clients' software and systems are always up-to-date with the latest security patches. Known vulnerabilities are thus minimized, reducing the risks of exploitation by cybercriminals.

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting's approach to protection is based on a deep understanding of current threats and the adoption of cutting-edge technologies to counter these threats. Collaborating with the company, clients can ensure their systems and data are continuously monitored and protected, providing peace of mind regarding their digital security.

| Restoration

The restoration phase is a crucial step in managing cybersecurity incidents. In the event of an attack or breach, DATASHIELD Risk Consulting is prepared to act quickly and effectively to minimize damage, restore system and data integrity, and implement measures to prevent future intrusions.

| 1. Emergency plan

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting has developed comprehensive emergency plans to manage cybersecurity incidents. These plans are specific to each client and define roles and responsibilities in the event of an attack. They also include detailed procedures for responding quickly and effectively to the incident.

| 2. System and data restoration

After an attack, recovering systems and data is essential. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting deploys teams of experts who work closely with clients to restore affected systems. Data is recovered from secure backups to minimize data loss.

| 3. Preventing future intrusions

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting not only reacts to the incident but also implements proactive measures to prevent the attack from recurring. This includes identifying security flaws that allowed the incident to occur and implementing fixes to strengthen security. Preventive measures are also taken to protect against future threats.

In case of a security breach, quick response is crucial to minimize consequences. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting is equipped to act swiftly, restore normality, and implement measures to prevent recurrence. This proactive approach is essential for maintaining long-term security and ensuring business resilience against cybersecurity threats.

| Preparing to respond

Preparing to respond in case of a cyberattack is an essential component of the overall cybersecurity strategy. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting focuses on proactive preparation to help businesses effectively and thoughtfully handle potential security breaches.

| Emergency plan and employee training

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting recommends implementing a detailed emergency plan in case of a cyberattack. This plan identifies steps to follow, staff responsibilities, and specific procedures in case of a security breach. The company works with its clients to customize these plans according to their unique needs.

Beyond implementing the plan, employee training is crucial. DATASHIELD Risk Consulting offers specific cybersecurity training programs to make employees aware of potential threats and educate them on how to respond in case of a security breach. A well-informed workforce is an additional line of defense against attacks.

| To conclude

Cybersecurity is an omnipresent challenge in today's digital landscape, and alarming statistics highlight the serious financial and operational consequences businesses can face in case of a cyberattack. The numbers do not lie, and it is clear that the imperative to protect against cyber threats has never been more crucial.

DATASHIELD Risk Consulting stands by your side to help you meet this challenge. Whether you are a large enterprise or an SME, we offer tailored solutions to strengthen your digital security, from prevention to response in the event of an incident. We understand the current stakes of cybersecurity and implement cutting-edge strategies to protect your systems, sensitive data, and reputation.

Proactive preparation, employee awareness are integral parts of our approach. We work with you to create emergency plans specific to your business, train your staff to recognize potential threats, and offer you peace of mind.

Collaborating with DATASHIELD Risk Consulting, you invest in your business's resilience against constantly evolving digital threats. Do not leave cybersecurity to chance. Protect your future today with DATASHIELD Risk Consulting.

Do not hesitate to contact us to learn more about our services or to discuss your specific cybersecurity needs. Your safety is our priority, and we are here to support you every step of the way.