
Keeper protects your passwords and secrets by giving you the ultimate in security, visibility and control.

From the data center to decision-making bodies, Keeper offers the ultimate in business security and cyber threat prevention. Protect access to applications, systems, secrets and IT resources with zero-trust and zero-knowledge architecture. Simplify and strengthen audits and compliance while providing enterprise-wide visibility, control, event logging and reporting.

| The Solutions

| Keeper Enterprise Password Manager (EPM)

The Enterprise Password Management (EPM) solution by Keeper Security is designed to enable organizations to securely manage their passwords and credentials. This platform offers a series of key features tailored to the needs of businesses, focusing on security, efficient management, and compliance.

Here are the main aspects of the EPM solution:

  • Enhanced Password Security: EPM generates strong and random passwords, thereby reducing the risk associated with the use of weak or repeated passwords.
  • Secure Sharing: The platform allows secure password sharing among users and teams. Businesses can create shared folders for teams and restrict users' abilities to add, delete, modify, or share records.
  • Control and Visibility: EPM gives administrators the power to finely tune their organization's access levels to critical data and credentials, across individuals and teams.
  • Compliance and Reporting: The solution offers complete visibility and control over employees' password strength, credential sharing, and exposure to the dark web. It also features notification and reporting capabilities to support internal controls and industrial compliance requirements.
  • Integration with Existing Systems: EPM easily integrates with other IAM (Identity and Access Management) and SIEM (Security Information and Event Management) solutions, allowing enterprise-wide coverage and visibility.
  • Ease of Deployment: The solution can be deployed quickly in a matter of minutes, offering practical and efficient setup.

| Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM)

The Keeper Secrets Manager (KSM) is an advanced secrets management solution designed by Keeper Security, specifically to secure critical infrastructures and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) processes.

Here is a detailed overview of its features and benefits:

  • Zero-Trust and Zero-Knowledge Security: KSM uses a zero-trust and zero-knowledge security architecture, meaning even Keeper Security has no access to the stored secrets. This provides a high level of security and privacy for corporate secrets.
  • Elimination of Secret Proliferation: The platform helps eliminate the proliferation of secrets by removing hardcoded credentials from source codes, configuration files, and CI/CD systems. This reduces the risk of data leaks and security breaches.
  • Automation of Secret Rotation: KSM allows for the automation of access key, password, and certificate rotations. This feature is essential for maintaining the security of credentials without manual intervention.
  • Securing Infrastructures: The solution is designed to secure critical infrastructures, including API management, database credentials, access keys, and certificates.
  • Integration and Compatibility: KSM easily integrates with various tools and platforms, making its implementation seamless within the existing technological ecosystem of the enterprise.
  • Ease of Use: Despite its sophistication, KSM is designed to be easy to use, allowing businesses of all sizes to implement robust secrets management without needing deep technical expertise.
  • Compliance and Reporting: Keeper Secrets Manager helps organizations comply with security and privacy standards by providing detailed reports on the use and access of secrets.

| Keeper Connection Manager (KCM)

The Keeper Connection Manager (KCM) is another important solution offered by Keeper Security, focused on the remote management of IT infrastructure.

Here are the key details of this solution:

  • Agentless Remote Management: KCM is a modern remote access solution that does not require installing agents on remote machines. This greatly simplifies deployment and maintenance.
  • Zero-Trust Secure Access: The platform provides zero-trust network access to sensitive internal resources, meaning access is granted on a strictly necessary and verified basis, thus enhancing security.
  • Support for Common Protocols: KCM allows management of multiple connections, including RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol), SSH (Secure Shell), and access to databases like MySQL, through a web browser.
  • No VPN Required: A major advantage of KCM is that it eliminates the need for a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to access remote infrastructure, thus reducing complexity and associated VPN management costs.
  • Session Management: KCM offers session management, monitoring, and recording features, allowing administrators to track and control access to corporate resources.
  • Integration with Existing Infrastructure: Keeper Connection Manager can seamlessly integrate with existing infrastructure and IAM (Identity and Access Management) stack, offering enterprise-scale coverage and visibility.
  • Ease of Deployment and Use: KCM is quick and easy to deploy, with an intuitive user interface, making it accessible to businesses of all sizes.

| Keeper Privileged Access Management - PAM

The Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution from Keeper Security is designed to offer robust and simplified management of privileged access within enterprises.

Here are the key details of this solution:

  • Management of Privileged Accounts and Sessions: Keeper's PAM allows efficient management of privileged accounts and their sessions. This includes the management of administrator accounts, monitoring and recording sessions, and granular access control.
  • Security of Secrets: The solution includes an important component for managing secrets, such as API keys, database credentials, and access keys. This helps prevent data leaks and unauthorized access.
  • Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration: Keeper PAM offers integration with Single Sign-On solutions, thereby simplifying identity and access management across the enterprise.
  • Vaulting and Credential Access Control: The solution provides a secure vault for privileged credentials and allows strict access control.
  • Privilege Elevation and Delegation Management (PEDM): Keeper PAM includes PEDM capabilities for fine-grained access management, allowing the assignment of specific access rights at different levels within the organization.
  • Ease of Deployment: Unlike many traditional PAM solutions, Keeper PAM is designed to be quick and easy to deploy, without high implementation costs.
  • Operational Cost Reduction: The solution aims to reduce operational costs by providing a unified platform that consolidates various PAM tools.
  • Compliance and Reporting: Keeper PAM helps enterprises meet compliance requirements by offering complete visibility into privileged account activities, with detailed reporting capabilities.